Health News

Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
Numbing Quality in Violent Video Games
Science fiction novels often portray a society where people have become numb to the violence around them. War torn countries' citizens also accept tanks filling their streets and impoverished children suffering. The same type numbness occurs in children when playing violent video games.
Driving Under the Influence of Depression
Teens are not known as the safest drivers on the road. Far from it. Add anxiety or depression, and their driving becomes even riskier. A new study shows that young drivers who experience anxiety and depression are at risk of being risky drivers.
Parents Make Kids More Stressed
The moods and behavior of parents affect their kids tremendously. And the children of bipolar parents are particularly sensitive.
Do Even More Children Have Autism?
According to the CDC, autism affects 1 in 110 children. But that number may grossly underestimate how many children and families actually suffer.
Facebook Status: Depressed?
In recent years, children have gone from playing outdoors to spending their time inside using Facebook or Twitter. A new report suggests that not only are kids being influenced by online activities, but that these online activities could lead to “Facebook depression".
Drinking while Pregnant Makes Bad Kids
Despite warnings from experts, many women drink at some point during their pregnancy. Now, a new study shows that mothers who drink while pregnant put their children at a greater risk of developing a serious behavioral disorder.
Paths in Psychopathology
Children who grow up poor and with a certain variant of a serotonin transporter gene are more likely to exhibit psychopathic behavior, according to a University of Illinois study.
ADHD Medications Appear Safe, Genetically Speaking
According to a new study from the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ), medications for attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) do not appear to cause genetic damage.
A Different Kind of Sign Language
Researchers have discovered markers for measuring the ability of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to control impulsive movements.