Health News

Thyroid Screening in Pregnancy May Be Unnecessary
Treating mildly low thyroid function during pregnancy might not be worth the trouble, according to a new study.
Labor Induction and Autism Risk
There has been speculation as to whether induction of labor might play a role in the development of autism spectrum disorders, but a new study may ease that fear.
The Importance of Folate in Pregnancy
Children of moms who had good folate levels during pregnancy may have a lower risk for childhood obesity, a new study found.
Smoking May Put Baby's DNA at Risk
It's a well-known fact that smoking during pregnancy can harm the baby. Now, researchers may have a clearer picture as to why that is.
The Pill: Harmful in Early Pregnancy?
Could taking birth control pills while pregnant harm a developing baby? It's unlikely, new evidence suggests.
Tdap Vaccine Appears Safe for Moms-to-Be
The safety of whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy can be a big concern for expecting moms and their doctors. But a new finding may help put that fear to rest.
Promising Preeclampsia Pill Under Further Study
Preeclampsia is a common cause of babies being born prematurely. But a potential new treatment may help.
US Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low
Birth announcements and baby shower invitations may not be as common as they once were in US mailboxes. The US hasn't been in a baby boom for a few years, and last year saw a particularly low birth rate.
Tdap Vaccine Was Safe Overall for Mom and Fetus
Since 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested that all pregnant women receive the Tdap vaccine, even if they were vaccinated earlier in life. And new research found that Tdap was safe for both mom and baby.
Consumer Reports to FDA: Bring Back List of Lower-Mercury Fish
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants women of childbearing age and young children to eat more fish that are lower in mercury. But Consumer Reports is taking issue with some of the FDA's recommendations and actions.