Health News

Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.
Nutrients Every Pregnant Mother Needs
Pregnant women need to make sure that their diets provide enough nutrients for themselves and their unborn child. Here are some of the best foods to eat if you’re pregnant.
Bigger Isn't Better with a Baby
A woman's weight before she becomes pregnant can contribute to how her pregnancy plays out, regardless of how much weight she gains while pregnant.
Shedding Pounds Between Babies
Being overweight while pregnant can increase several health risks. But after you have your baby, it's not too late to try to lose the pounds if you want to have another.
Extra Risks of Extra Pregnancy Pounds
Gaining weight is a natural part of growing a baby in your womb. Being overweight or obese while you are pregnant, however, can carry additional risks for your pregnancy.
Extra Caffeine May Mean Smaller Baby
When the sluggishness from being pregnant hits you, it's tempting to brew a cup of coffee. And then another. And another. But does too much caffeine during pregnancy may affect your baby?
More Chemicals, More Time to Pregnancy
Researchers are learning more all the time about how chemicals in the environment affect our bodies. Much research focuses on children and conceiving a child.
Sunlight Vitamin’s Benefits in Pregnancy
African-American women are already prone to not getting enough vitamin D. When they are pregnant, lacking this nutrient might influence their mental health.
Obese Moms May Deprive Babies of Iron
Research is uncovering more and more about possible health risks to babies if their mothers are obese during pregnancy. Another one for the list: being born with low iron levels.
The Best Baby Food Money Can't Buy
When expecting, it can be nerve-wracking to consider all the changes going on in your life and how to be ready to take care of this new, tiny, amazing creature.