Health News

Sitting All Day? Set Aside an Hour
An hour of exercise each day may be enough to counter the ill health effects of sitting for eight hours or more, a new study found.
The Benefits of Exercise While Pregnant
For obese women, exercise during pregnancy could mean a lower risk of gestational diabetes, a new study found.
Pay Attention to Your Exercise Habits
Exercise may alleviate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults, a new study found.
Midlife Fit May Mean No Late-Life Stroke
For people in middle age, staying fit now could reduce stroke risk later in life, a new study found.
The Key to Cancer-Free
There's no sure way to prevent cancer, but practicing a healthy lifestyle can help a lot, a new study found.
Get Moving to Prevent Diabetes
Echoing what past studies have suggested, a new study found that being fit may send diabetes and prediabetes running.
Exercise Vs. Cancer Risk
Getting more exercise could mean a lower risk for many types of cancer, a new study found.
Eat Like an Athlete
Whether you’re a marathon runner or you get your exercise walking the dog, how you fuel your body is a key component of staying healthy and fit. How do the top-performing athletes do it? Read on to find out.
Lose Weight on Your Way to Work
Adults who cycle or walk to work may have lower body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) in midlife, compared to adults who drive.
Stay Active to Stay Sharp
Need another reason to exercise? Reducing your risk of Alzheimer's may be as simple as working in the garden or taking a walk each day.