Health News

Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.
Screening for Disease: What Are the Benefits?
Screening for cancer and other serious diseases is the norm, but does it always help patients?
8 Healthy Facts About Avocados
Sliced on a sandwich, chopped in salad or mashed into guacamole, the avocado may be one of your best bets for nutrient-packed healthy eating!
CDC Reports Americans Living Longer Than Ever
Americans may be living longer than ever before. In a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, measures of life span were up and rates of death were down.
FDA Approves New Use of Glucose Monitoring System for Hospitals
Today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared a new indication for the Nova StatStrip Glucose Hospital Meter System, extending its use to critically ill patients who have been hospitalized.
Many Seniors Had Multiple Chronic Illnesses
Many older Americans deal with more than one serious medical condition at a time. New research looked at how having more than one chronic disease affected average life expectancy.
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
Smoking Affects More Than Your Lungs
Lung cancer and emphysema are usually at the top of the list of smoking risks, but there are many more ways smoking can harm the body.
Health Benefits of Running
Physical activity is an important contributor to one’s health and wellness, yet it seems that an increasing number of people in the U.S. are not getting enough exercise.
America's Happiest and Healthiest States
Health and happiness are usually terms reserved for individuals, yet there is no denying that location can play a role in these traits. Here’s a list of the happiest and healthiest states.