Health News

Cancer Risk in Kids With Arthritis
Arthritis can affect more than your joints; it can cause other health problems throughout the body. Certain types of arthritis may even play a role in cancer, as researchers recently found.
RA Patients Get Tested for Cancer
It's important to get regular cancer screenings, especially if you have a disease like rheumatoid arthritis - which may also boost your cancer risk.
FDA Issues Warning on Natural Supplement
There are countless dietary supplements marketed as natural remedies for pain relief. In some instances, these supplements turn out to be neither natural nor safe, which seems to be the case for Reumofan Plus.
Proteins in Psoriasis, Breast Cancer Linked
Research into treating breast cancer may have also stumbled onto a way to treat psoriasis. The two conditions share a protein that, if blocked, may reduce the intensity of both diseases.
RA Medicines May Increase Skin Cancer Risks
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) increases a person's risk for some types of cancer such as lymphoma and lowers the risk of other types such as colon and breast. Now, it seems medications for RA increase the risk for another kind of cancer.
Healing Powers of Thunder God Vine
A traditional Chinese medicinal plant called thunder god vine, or lei gong ten, has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health problems. Now, new research shows there is strong scientific evidence of the plant's healing power.
A Plan to Help the Pre-existing Condition Crowd
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is increasing awareness about a health plan for uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions created by the Affordable Care Act.