Ways to Fight a Cold
Similar to vitamin C, the medical community is still debating the benefits of taking zinc while sick. While zinc may not prevent a cold, a recent meta-analysis of multiple studies on zinc concluded that taking zinc could shorten the duration of cold symptoms in adults but not children.
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Review Date:
December 17, 2013Citation:
Mayo Clinic, "Common cold: Treatments and drugs" Mayo Clinic, "Have a cold? Fight back with humidity" Mayo Clinic, "Have a cold? Fight it with fluids" Mayo Clinic, "Common cold: Prevention" Mayo Clinic, "Sore throat: Lifestyle and home remedies" Mayo Clinic, "Common cold: Alternative medicine" Mayo Clinic, "Honey: An effective cough remedy?" Center for Disease Control and Prevention, "Symptom Relief" CMAJ, "Zinc for the treatment of the common cold" Mayo Clinic, "Common cold" Courtesy of Subbotina | Dreamstime Courtesy of Yocamon | Dreamstime Courtesy of Tab1962 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Muriel Lasure | Dreamstime Courtesy of Diego Vito Cervo | Dreamstime Courtesy of Iakov Filimonov | Dreamstime Courtesy of Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alanpoulson | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alexander Raths | Dreamstime Courtesy of Atu Studio Atu Studio | Dreamstime Courtesy of Nitr | Dreamstime Courtesy of Nagy-bagoly Ilona | Dreamstime Courtesy of Aliced | Dreamstime Courtesy of Lucian Milasan | Dreamstime Courtesy of Louella38 | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014