Unhealthy Effects of Seemingly Healthy Foods
Dried fruit can be a healthy option for snacking, but some prepackaged dried fruit can contain high amounts of sugar and added preservatives. If you have a condition like type 2 diabetes, be careful about the types of food you consume. Talk to your doctor about the risks of unhealthy eating.
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Review Date:
January 17, 2014Citation:
Health Hub, “5 Foods That Cause Diet Disasters” Fitness Magazine, “10 Diet Foods That Make You Fat” BBC News, “Green tea ‘can impede nadolol blood pressure medicine” Livestrong, “Is Dried Fruit Good for You?” Brown University, “Energy Drinks” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “Caffeine and arrhythmia” Go Ask Alice! Columbia University, “Blue Corn Chips - Are they healthier?” Courtesy of Tommyandone | Dreamstime Courtesy of Danelle Mccollum | Dreamstime Courtesy of Jeff Wasserman | Dreamstime Courtesy of Agg | Dreamstime Courtesy of Marek Uliasz | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sparkia | Dreamstime Courtesy of Petar Neychev | Dreamstime Courtesy of Marilyn Barbone | Dreamstime Courtesy of Kenishirotie | Dreamstime Courtesy of Scanrail | Dreamstime Courtesy of Inga Nielsen | Dreamstime Courtesy of Anna Dudko | Dreamstime Courtesy of Robert Brown | Dreamstime Courtesy of Valentin Armianu | Dreamstime Courtesy of Kathleen Howell | Dreamstime Courtesy of Lev Kropotov | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014