Most Polluted Cities in the US
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Review Date:
January 6, 2014Citation:
American Lung Association, "State of The Air 2013" American Psychological Association, "Smog in our brains" American Diabetes Association, "Air Pollution May Be a Diabetes Risk Factor", "Acute exposure to air pollution triggers atrial fibrillation." dailyRx News, "Experts Say Outdoor Air Pollution Causes Cancer" Environmental Health Perspectives, "Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure in the First Year of Life and Behavioral Scores..." American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, "Air pollution and allergic sensitization in children", "Ambient air quality and occurrence of multiple sclerosis relapse." dailyRx News, "Asthma Overview, Treatment & More" Courtesy of Chenp | Dreamstime Courtesy of fstockfoto | Dreamstime Courtesy of Kmiragaya | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ssuaphoto | Dreamstime Courtesy of Infokus408 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dragoncrafter | Dreamstime Courtesy of Isabel Poulin | Dreamstime Courtesy of Gary Whitton | Dreamstime Courtesy of Stefan Redel | Dreamstime Courtesy of R. Gino Santa Maria | Dreamstime Courtesy of Vladislav Turchenko | Dreamstime Courtesy of Kalman89 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Konstantin Sutyagin | Dreamstime Courtesy of Jokerproproduction | Dreamstime Courtesy of Elwynn | Dreamstime Courtesy of Barnabychambers | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014