Keeping Your Kids Healthy This Summer
Tissues are an important tool to prevent the spread of illness, according to the Mayo Clinic. Kids Health also advises teaching children to cough into a tissue and wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before touching shared surfaces. When tissues aren’t immediately available, covering coughs and sneezes using an elbow— sometimes called a “vampire sneeze” — may help prevent the spread of germs and keep hands relatively clean.
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Review Date:
May 8, 2015Citation:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Handwashing: Clean Hands Saves Lives” Kid’s Health, "Tips From School Nurses on Keeping Kids Healthy" Mayo Clinic, "Staying healthy in school: Kid-friendly tips" CDC “Influenza Prevention: Information for Travele” Kid’s Health “All About Sleep” Sleep Foundation “Children and Sleep” Kid’s Health “Tips from School Nurses on Keeping Kids healthy” Let’s Move “Healthy Families” Mayo Clinic “Healthy Lifestyle - Fitness” Teens Health “Why Exercise is Wise” CDC “Healthy Swimming/Recreational Water” CDC “Recreational Water Illnesses” CDC “How Can I Protect My Children from the Sun?” CDC “Keeping Kids Healthy During the School Year” Image courtesy of Guasor | Image courtesy of Lufimorgan | Image courtesy of Zurijeta | Image courtesy of Yobro10 | Image courtesy of Lenanet | Image courtesy of Gaja | Image courtesy of Oksun70 | Image courtesy of Evgenyatamanenko | Image courtesy of Madhourse | Image courtesy of Travnikovstudio | Image courtesy of Elena Gligorijevic |
Last Updated:
May 8, 2015