If Your Feet Could Talk
White discoloration of the nails doesn’t necessarily point to a health issue. Leukonychia (sometimes called a “milk spot”) is a medical term for common white blotches that start around the base of the nail and move as the nail grows. Contrary to popular belief, these marks are not a sign of a vitamin deficiency and are generally considered harmless. A white mark at the tip of your nail, however, may be more serious. An injury may cause part of the toenail to separate from the nail bed, which can make the tip of the nail appear whiter. Additionally, some fungal infections first manifest themselves as white marks on the tip of the nail. If unchecked, these infections could spread throughout the rest of the nail, leading to further discoloration and potentially causing the nail to separate from the nailbed.
Angiologist, "Causes for cold feet" Mayo Clinic, "Peripheral artery disease (PAD) Symptoms" Livestrong, "COPD: End-of-Life Symptoms" Mayo Clinic, "Athlete's foot Definition" Mayo Clinic, "Raynaud's disease Definition" MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, "Clubbing of the fingers or toes" Indian Chest Society, "Digital clubbing" Cleveland Clinic, "Understanding COPD" Mayo Clinic, "Edema Causes" Mayo Clinic, "Leg swelling Causes" Mayo Clinic, "Burning feet Definition" Mayo Clinic, "Rheumatoid arthritis Symptoms" Mayo Clinic, "Gout Definition" Mayo Clinic, "Foot pain Causes" Mayo Clinic, "Nail fungus Definition" Journal of the Turkish Academy of Dermatology, “Leukonychia” Courtesy of Craig Sunter Courtesy of bark Courtesy of Pclaudia | Dreamstime Courtesy of osseous Courtesy of Quinn Dombrowski Courtesy of Kyle Taylor Courtesy of Levente Gyori | Dreamstime