How to Survive Spring Allergies
As with any condition, it’s important to be knowledgeable and proactive. Keep an eye on local pollen and weather forecasts and try to plan your activities around these. Pollen levels are highest on dry, windy days and lowest after a good rain. Despite the potentially beautiful spring weather, it is a good idea to minimize time spent outside on days with high pollen levels.
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Review Date:
March 24, 2014Citation:
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, “Overview of comorbid associations of allergic rhinitis.” Department of Otorhinolaryngology, “Comorbidities of Allergic Rhinitis” The Quarterly Review of Biology, “Allergies: their role in cancer prevention.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, “Mutual antagonism of rheumatoid arthritis and hay fever” Mayo Clinic, “Hay Fever - Symptoms” Rush University Medical Center, “Allergic Disease Linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome” University of Maryland Medical Center, “Irritable Bowel Syndrome” University of Maryland Medical Center, “Allergic Rhinitis” Mayo Clinic, “Common Cold - Health Tip” NHS, “Five tips to reduce hay fever symptoms” Mayo Clinic, “Hay Fever - Treatment” Mayo Clinic, “Asthma - Treatment” Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Research, “Association of antioxidants with allergic rhinitis in children from seoul.” Italian Journal of Pediatrics, “How changes in nutrition have influenced the development of allergic diseases in childhood.” Mayo Clinic, “Hay Fever - Tests and Diagnosis” Mayo Clinic, “Hay Fever - Lifestyle and Home Remedies” Courtesy of Martina1802 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Oleksandr Ryzhkov | Dreamstime Courtesy of Constantin Opris | Dreamstime Courtesy of Andres Rodriguez | Dreamstime Courtesy of Viktor Gladkov | Dreamstime Courtesy of Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Dreamstime Courtesy of Stefano Lunardi | Dreamstime Courtesy of Tatyana Khatsko | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alexander Raths | Dreamstime Courtesy of Nagy-bagoly Ilona | Dreamstime Courtesy of Photographerlondon | Dreamstime Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime Courtesy of Piotr Marcinski | Dreamstime Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014