Health Issues That Could Disrupt Your Kid’s Sleep
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Review Date:
February 7, 2014Citation:
Sleep For Kids, “Children's Sleep Problems” Sleep For Kids, “Children, Obesity, And Sleep” National Sleep Foundation, “Obesity and Sleep” Sleep For Kids, “Common Sleep Disorders Linked To ADHD” Kids Health, “Bedwetting” Scott & White Healthcare, “Overactive Bladder, Child” National Sleep Foundation, “Asthma and Sleep” Autism Speaks, “Treatments for Associated Medical Conditions” Pediatrics, “Coexistence of Sleep and Feeding Disturbances in Young Children” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Flu Symptoms & Severity” Courtesy of Photographerlondon | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dmitriy Shironosov | Dreamstime Courtesy of Gvictoria | Dreamstime Courtesy of Photographerlondon | Dreamstime Courtesy of Valerius Geng | Dreamstime Courtesy of Michal Bednarek | Dreamstime Courtesy of Photographerlondon | Dreamstime Courtesy of Barmina Iva | Dreamstime Courtesy of Photowitch | Dreamstime Courtesy of Greenland | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
September 15, 2014