Germ Hot Spots in Schools
Forgotten lunches, sweaty gym clothes, spilled milk and cookie crumbs are all regular finds in a typical student’s backpack. After a few weeks, things can get pretty gross in there. Remember to have your child clean out his backpack regularly and use a wet cloth or a disinfecting wipe to remove any sticky spills or crumbs. Remember to wash gym clothes once a week at the very least, and know that many backpacks can take a trip through the washing machine, too.
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Review Date:
April 28, 2015Citation:
Image courtesy of Zurijeta | Image courtesy of Robert Byron | Image courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Image courtesy of Andreykuzmin | Image courtesy of Infokus408 | Image courtesy of Saap585 | Image courtesy of Constantin Opris | Image courtesy of Pavla Zakova | Image courtesy of Jorge Salcedo | The Public Health and Safety Organization, "Germiest Places at Schools" Mayo Clinic, "Germs: Understand and protect against bacteria, viruses and infection" National Education Association, "Eeek! There’s a germ on my desk!" KidsHealth, "Why Do I Need to Wash My Hands?" UMass, "Did You Know? How to Avoid Restroom Germs" California State Science Fair, "Computer Keyboard Hygiene: What Lurks Between the Keys?"
Last Updated:
April 28, 2015