Foods That Make You Go
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Review Date:
January 14, 2014Citation:
American Heart Association, “Whole Grains and Fiber” PubMed, “Effects of Ficus carica paste on constipation induced by a high-protein feed and movement restriction in beagles.” MedlinePlus, “Bromelain” MedlinePlus, “Constipation - self-care” InsidersHealth, “Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome” LIVESTRONG, “Is Okra Good For You?” LIVESTRONG, “What Are the Health Benefits of Apricots?” NaturalSociety, “Eating Broccoli Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Promotes Heart Health” Discovery Health, “Pears: Natural Weight Loss Foods Courtesy of Piotr Marcinski | Dreamstime Courtesy of Elena Elisseeva | Dreamstime Courtesy of DuCourtesy ofan Zidar | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dmitry Pichugin | Dreamstime Courtesy of Emilia Stasiak | Dreamstime Courtesy of Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime Courtesy of Francesco Alessi | Dreamstime Courtesy of Khecker | Dreamstime Courtesy of Valentyn75 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Clemmesen | Dreamstime Courtesy of Shariff Che\' Lah | Dreamstime Courtesy of Svetlana Foote | Dreamstime Courtesy of Edyta Pawlowska | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014