Dangers of Your Desk Job

Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine is a drug, and it can cause a dependency. While coffee addiction is a joke for some, it can come with consequences. Pregnant women should not consume more than a cup of coffee a day (or its caffeine equivalent). People taking certain medications or patients with heart or bleeding disorders may also need to abstain from caffeine. Research suggests healthy adults should limit their daily coffee intake to 400 milligrams — no more than three 8-ounce cups. If you consume more than that, the Mayo Clinic writes you may experience muscle tremors, an elevated pulse, raised blood pressure, trouble falling or staying asleep and stomach problems. It could also have emotional effects like nervousness, irritability or restlessness. Withdrawal can lead to head or muscle aches; a depressed or irritable mood; nausea or vomiting; and fatigue, drowsiness or lethargy. If you’re trying to cut back on your caffeine intake, do so gradually to avoid these symptoms.

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Review Date: 
July 25, 2014

Last Updated:
July 25, 2014