Common Diet Plans for Weight Loss

The Mayo Clinic Diet

The Mayo Clinic Diet is a two-part process. The first part of the diet, “Lose It!,” kick-starts weight loss by adding five healthy habits into your life, breaking five unhealthy ones, then adding five more healthy ones. Counting calories? Rationing out your vegetables and fruit? Not with the “Lose It!” phase. This stage focuses on changing how you eat for life, not just for a few weeks. During this phase, you will also begin to add more exercise into your everyday life. At least 30 minutes of physical activity per day is the goal for this stage of the diet. The second part of the Mayo Clinic Diet, “Live it!,” is key to continuing these healthy habits. This stage teaches you more about what foods to choose and at what portion sizes. “Live it!” aims to make lifestyle changes that you can stick with. The diet as a whole stresses the importance of choosing the right food at the right amount, creating habits that will stick with you long after you finish. The Mayo Clinic Diet book is the only expense, aside from changes to your regular grocery costs. Although this diet was developed by health experts at the Mayo Clinic, talk to your doctor before making any diet changes.

Review Date: 
March 18, 2016

Last Updated:
March 19, 2016