Common Diet Plans for Weight Loss

Flexitarian Diet

Flexitarian is a mixture of “flexible” and “vegetarian.” The idea behind this diet is that you follow a vegetarian diet most of the time but, if the mood strikes, a piece of chicken or steak isn’t out of the question. This diet isn’t about taking away meat, it’s about adding in tofu, beans, legumes, nuts and more. A flexitarian diet is heavy on non-meat protein sources, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. As there are many vegetarian recipes, and even ways to substitute vegetarian options into the meat version of various dishes, there is never a shortage of meal options. Fiber-rich, nutrient-filled fruits and vegetables make up the bulk of this diet — making it a healthy option for weight loss. As with most vegetarians, vitamin B12 and iron deficiency could become an issue. Talk to your doctor today to find out if the flexitarian diet could be right for you.

Review Date: 
March 18, 2016

Last Updated:
March 19, 2016