Celebrity Advocates for Tuberous Sclerosis
Emmy award-winning actress Patricia Heaton, best known for her role in “Everybody Loves Raymond,” focuses much of her time on the fight to end poverty and hunger through charities like World Vision. But on top of that, Heaton has supported the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance and Cure Autism Now.
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Review Date:
January 13, 2014Citation:
Look to the Stars, “Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance” MedlinePlus, “Tuberous Sclerosis” USA Today, “Moore's chance encounter sparks tuberous sclerosis awareness” Examiner, “11th ANNUAL "COMEDY FOR A CURE" Raises Thousands for Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance” Courtesy of Rido | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dwong19 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sbukley | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Carrienelson1 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Imagecollect | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
September 15, 2014