Celebrities with Bipolar Disorder
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Review Date:
February 19, 2014Citation:
dailyRx, “Bipolar Disorder Health Center” Reuters, “Catherine Zeta-Jones treated for bipolar disorder” ABC News, “PrimeTime: Carrie Fisher Interview” NBC News, “Jane Pauley shares her story” CNN, “Jim Carrey on films, depression and love” New York Magazine, “Are You Bipolar?” People, “Bad to Worse” Biography Channel, “Robbie Williams Biography” Look to the Stars, “Whatever It Takes” Disabled World, “Famous People with Mood Disorders” The Independent, “You don’t have to be bipolar to be a genius - but it helps” The Guardian, “Jean-Claude Van Damme: ‘I tried to play the system; I was blacklisted” Today, “Linda Hamilton says she has bipolar disorder” Huffington Post, “Demi Lovato Joins National Eating Disorders Awareness Week” People, “Demi Lovato: I Have Bipolar Disorder” The Guardian, “This charming man” About.com, “Pete Wentz Admits He Has Bipolar Disorder” RxWiki, “Lorazepam” Courtesy of Barbara Helgason | Dreamstime.com Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime.com Courtesy of Carrienelson1 | Dreamstime.com By David Shankbone, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sbukley | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Drserg | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sbukley | Dreamstime Courtesy of Carrienelson1 | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
September 15, 2014