Celebrities Affected by Multiple Myeloma
Clint Eastwood became famous for his role as the sharp-shooting Man with No Name. In actuality, Eastwood is generous and supports organizations like City of Hope, a research center for cancers like multiple myeloma and other conditions like diabetes, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases.
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Review Date:
February 21, 2014Citation:
dailyRx, “Multiple Myeloma” Look To The Stars, “Clint Eastwood” Look To The Stars, “Michael C. Hall” Look To The Stars, “Wayne Gretzky” The New York Times, “Peter Boyle, Father on ‘Raymond,’ Dies at 71” Look To The Stars, “Rosie O’Donnell” Look To The Stars, “Jay Leno” The New York Times, “Roy Scheider” Trial X, “Geraldine Ferraro’s Heroic Life and Battle with Multiple Myeloma” NBC News, “Tom Brokaw Diagnosed With Cancer, Prognosis Encouraging” Courtesy of Laurence Agron | Dreamstime Alan Light, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Carrienelson1 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Imagecollect | Dreamstime Courtesy of Featureflash | Dreamstime Courtesy of Carrienelson1 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alexander Raths | Dreamstime Courtesy of Laurence Agron | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
September 15, 2014