The Best Things You Can Do for Your Heart
Not only is managing your stress good for your overall health, but it also shows promise in preventing heart disease. Heart-healthy habits like exercise are great ways to keep stress away. It also helps to maintain a positive attitude or meditate. Surrounding yourself with your loved ones is also a great way to reduce stress. But if your stress is nonstop, a stress-management class might be the best way to go.
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Review Date:
March 11, 2015Citation:
University of Wisconsin-Madison,"The Three Best and Worst Things You Can Do for Your Heart" Cleveland Clinic, "Heart Health Benefits of Chocolate" Group Health, "Exercise Helps Your Heart" Harvard Medical School, "Tests your doctor may order to determine whether you have heart disease" American Heart Association, "Coffee may help perk up your blood vessels" BMJ, "Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium in young and middle-aged asymptomatic adults" BMJ, "Moderate coffee consumption lessens risk of clogged arteries and heart attacks" American Heart Association, "Stress and Heart Health" Mayo Clinic, "Heart disease" American Heart Association, "Heart-Health Valentine's Day Tips" Image courtesy of Data2203 | Image courtesy of Stephanie Berg | Image courtesy of Chantal Ringuette | Image courtesy of Martinmark | Image courtesy of Yap Kee Chan | Image courtesy of Alexander Raths | Image courtesy of Kiosea39 | Image courtesy of Pavel Losevsky | Image courtesy of Pavalache Stelian | Image courtesy of Martinmark | Image courtesy of Burlesck |
Last Updated:
March 12, 2015