Bad Habits That Make You Age Faster

Eating Unhealthy Food

The New England Journal of Medicine reports that the obesity epidemic in the United States is lowering our life expectancy by as much as five years. Another article from AARP notes that the United States ranks 16th in life expectancy, partially because Americans eat more calories than other countries, such as Japan. The USDA Factbook writes that added fat intake increased two-thirds from the 1950s to 2000. The publications also found the average consumption of meat also increased an average of 57 pounds in the same time period. The Mayo Clinic and AAD also recommend a healthy, balanced diet to prevent wrinkles and maintain healthy skin. While more research is needed on specific nutrients, studies suggest a diet that includes a rich variety of fruits and vegetables helps deliver more vitamins to the skin and prevent damage compared to a diet that lacks sufficient produce. Other research has found that high levels of refined carbs and sugar could damage the skin’s appearance. Furthermore, the Office of Women’s Health recommends maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise to reduce the chances of developing varicose veins.

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Review Date: 
July 15, 2014

Last Updated:
July 15, 2014