12 Myths and Facts about ADHD
Fact! ADHD is a medical disorder that has been recognized by major medical, psychological and educational organizations, including the US Department of Education and the National Institutes of Health. People with ADHD have difficulty with daily routines such as time management and focusing.
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Review Date:
January 7, 2014Citation:
ADDitude Magazine, "7 Myths About ADHD... Debunked!" PubMed Health, "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" National Resource Center on AD/HD, "Myths and Misunderstandings" Courtesy of Inara Prusakova | Dreamstime Courtesy of Noam Armonn | Dreamstime Courtesy of Godfer | Dreamstime Courtesy of Andres Rodriguez | Dreamstime Courtesy of Irina Soloshenko | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sergiyn | Dreamstime Courtesy of Suzanne Tucker | Dreamstime Courtesy of Revelpix | Dreamstime Courtesy of Vbaleha | Dreamstime Courtesy of Jiri Hera | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dmitriy Shironosov | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dayna More | Dreamstime Courtesy of Edyta Pawlowska | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014