Contributing Experts
Goldina Ikezuagu Erowele, Pharm.D., RPh

Dr. Goldina Ikezuagu Erowele, RPh is currently a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Formulary Management & Pharmacoeconomics in Houston, TX. She serves as an adjunct professor and the co-founder of CareNovate Magazine (, social health community for WOMEN - Boomers, Caregivers & Sandwich generation families.
Dr. Erowele is a clinical pharmacy specialist and an adjunct professor with experience in formulary management, Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care and Ambulatory Pharmacotherapy. She is also the founder & editor of CareNovate Magazine (, a social health resource for the chief health officers - sandwich generation caregivers, baby boomers and families. Prior to pharmacy, Dr. Erowele was a certified nursing assistant (CNA), passionate about helping the senior and elderly population. She enjoys her many roles as a pharmacist, woman’s health, advocate for patients & caregivers. As a women health & patient safety advocate, she is a and Pharmacy expert.