Surprise! You're Expecting a Baby

Sometimes a woman finds herself pregnant when she wasn't planning on it. Women with unintended pregnancies may benefit from support and being aware of postpartum depression risks.

Teens Always Nodding Off May Need Help

Teens falling asleep in class are a staple of stereotypical movie scenes about high school. But a teen who repeatedly falls asleep and experiences fatigue is no laughing matter.

Positivity Yields Workplace Success

Working with upbeat people can make the workplace feel fun and supportive. The key to workplace success may lie in expressing a positive attitude.

Rx Tag-Team Works Better for Weak Bones

When one medicine doesn't help postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, doctors might recommend another. But if the second doesn't strengthen bones, what happens then? Taking them together might do the trick.

Mosquitoes Pose Summer Threat

As summer weather brings warmth and humidity, many parts of the country will soon be experiencing mosquito season. Though most mosquito bites are simply an itchy annoyance, there's still the possibility of serious illness.

Misdiagnosing Post-Stroke Pain

Days or even weeks after a stroke, some patients experience intense pain. Medications and magnetic or electrical stimulation can help, but doctors often fail to correctly diagnose the condition.

Mastering MS Doctor Visits

For patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), many aspects of everyday life may need to be approached from a different angle than they were before their diagnosis.

Female Pelvic Surgery No Sure Thing

Gravity and bodily wear-and-tear have their effects. In some women who are growing older or who have given birth, those effects eventually may cause the pelvic organs to prolapse.

Many Teens Still Dipping

Teens have been smoking less in recent years, which is great. But overall, the use of smokeless tobacco has remained steady for over a decade.

Hot Flashes, Yes, But No Heart Disease

An unhealthy diet can lead to heart disease. Being overweight, smoking and not exercising can also bring on the condition. What about adding menopause to the mix?


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