Few Changes in GI Bleeding Causes

Vomit lined with blood and blood found in feces are signs of a major condition happening inside the body. But what causes that bleeding?

Parents' Age and Cancer Risks

If you’re the child of someone who lived to be 100 or more, you’re likely to live longer. It’s in the genes. Does a parent’s age affect cancer risks? New research points to "yes."

College Health 101: Depression & Anxiety

College may be an emotionally exciting and challenging time for students. But if these challenges prove overwhelming, students should seek help for any mental health issues they experience.

Depression Likelier in Abused New Moms

Bringing home a new baby is stressful on its own. But throw in the anxiety of an abusive relationship and depression may follow.

More Than One Way To Treat Depression

There are a bunch of different types of therapies available to help people with depression. Some may help more than others, but any of the therapies tested in a new study may be better than none.

Bird Flu Resistance Worries

There is not yet a vaccine available to prevent the new bird flu strain seen in China, and doctors are still trying to determine the best way to treat patients with the virus.

Kids Seeing More Drinking in Movies

Movie characters haven’t been smoking on the silver screen nearly as much as they used to. They have been drinking beer though, and more and more of it every year.

Don’t Eat That! It’s Grown-Up Candy

Small children have a tendency to put things in their mouths that they shouldn’t. Food or drinks containing marijuana have created a unique problem for adults with children.

Looking for the Extra Chubby Toddlers

One health concern of parents today is child obesity. Knowing what children are at risk for being overweight can help parents discuss their concerns with their pediatrician.

A Shot for Mom Gives Babies a Shot

Cases of whooping cough, or pertussis, have been increasing in recent years. Public health officials have been looking for the best ways to reduce the disease in young babies.


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