(RxWiki News) It is well established that exercising is crucial for taking care of one's body and living a healthy life. People suffering from asthma and allergies often balk at the idea of gym visits, as many enviromental issues may trigger reactions.
The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology offers some easy to remember tips to make gym visits more enjoyable and less likely to trigger symptoms.
"Four steps to follow when going to the gym."
Before one even gets to the gym, there are four easy things to prepare against asthma or allergy attacks. First, take your asthma or allergy medicine because some gyms clean their equipment with volatile organic compounds which can trigger attacks.
Second, make sure your clothing isn't itchy as many exercise clothes are made of polyester and nylon which may make one itchy. Spandex is usually a good choice for most allergy and asthma sufferers.
Third, use an inhaler before exercising to avoid exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Fourth, take your own mat to the gym that is cleaned after each exercise adventure.
In Depth
- Avoid heavily chlorinated and populated pools that can cause itchy eyes and skin rashes
- If you have a cold, avoid the gym as individuals become more susceptible to viruses