It's Time for Fathers to Take Charge
Fathers should take a stand to eat healthier because researchers have found they have a great effect on childhood obesity.
Stay Strong for Yourself
Exercising can make people feel and look good. It enables people to maintain their health, mobility and strength as they age.
Non-invasive Ventilation Trumps Other Weaning Methods
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may also suffer from chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure (CHRF).
Take Control with Dialysis at Home
When a person suffers kidney failure, their kidneys can no longer remove waste from the body. The best fix for kidney failure is an organ transplant, but the wait for a new kidney can take years.
Secret Diabetes
Diabetes should be nothing to be ashamed of. If you have the disease, taking care of yourself is more important than other people knowing that you are sick.
Predicting In-Vitro Success
In-Vitro fertilization is costly to both the pocketbook and emotions of young couples engaging in this hopeful procedure. A study by Brown University and Women & Infants Hospital shows a blood test may help predict the number of eggs that will be harvested.
Downers Abuse Up
Seeking treatment for all categories of substance abuse problems rose only 11 percent in the decade 1998-2008. But the story is vastly different for benzodiazepines.
Uneasy Obesity
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is currently defined as having excessive anxiety that's not related to a medical condition. Should researchers change that definition for obese individuals?
Detecting Dementia in Down Syndrome Adults
Researchers at UCLA have discovered a brain-scan technique that could help detect dementia in adults with Down syndrome. The researchers created a chemical marker, known as FDDNP.
New Parkinson's Treatment in Development
Exciting progress is being made in the treatment of advanced Parkinson's disease. Levodopa-carbidopa (Sinemet) intestinal gel (LCIG), shows great promise minimizing the number of times patients experience symptoms.