Baseball Time of Day Stats
Yogi Berra, who has always had a unique flair for the English language, once said, "Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical." Wonder what he would say about new data that shows the time of day a ballplayer bats may impact his batting average?
Sugar's Role With HIV
UCLA School of Medicine researchers have discovered that a sugar-binding protein may play a part in HIV infection by making individuals more susceptible to the disease.
Calls for Vulnerable Plaque Research
Hoping to spark action, the European Society of Cardiology Working Group of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology has published a position paper to bring fatty plaques into the forefront, as well as the need for more therapies to reduce that accumulation.
A Sign of Kidney Failure to Come
Sometimes, doctors can look for signs in patients to see if they are at risk for complication from a disease further down the road. This lets the doctors help their patients to take steps to avoid that problem.
Who Does - and Doesn't - Seek Mental Health Care
Millions of people around the world suffer - often needlessly - with treatable mental health issues. A new study looked at who is most likely to seek help.
Chronic Catnap Challenges
A University of Pittsburgh research group has developed a device that may help non-sleepers get some rest. An evening top hat helps insomnia patients get much needed sleep.
Impulsive People More Committed to Feel Good
Ever seen a man with a wicked smile on his face? There is a good chance he saw something that reminded him of a wonderful memory. People just cannot ignore visual stimuli that remind them of a rewarding experience.