Fan Vs. Heatwave
It's been in the triple digits for days and your A/C goes out. So rush out and buy a half dozen box fans, right? Well….maybe. The experts just don't know.
Obese Moms May Deprive Babies of Iron
Research is uncovering more and more about possible health risks to babies if their mothers are obese during pregnancy. Another one for the list: being born with low iron levels.
Enhancing the Quality of Life
We don't like to talk about dying. But it happens. Cancer takes the breath away. So how can the quality of life be enhanced at the end of life? A new study looked into this important issue.
How Loneliness Affects Seniors' Health
Loneliness can creep into your life at any age. But it's a more common problem among older adults, who can easily become isolated and detached from friends and family.
World's Fastest Camera Catches Cancer
It's a lofty undertaking to go through about a billion cells to identify and pin down a handful of circulating cancer tumor cells. This seemingly impossible mission is now being achieved.
Can Childhood Stress Inflame Later?
Stress can make people feel tired and depressed, but why? The body responds to emotional stress with inflammation just like it would with a physical injury.
Heart Diagnostic Test Recalled
A testing system commonly used to diagnose heart problems and other medical conditions has been recalled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Mentally Ill at Risk in Heat Waves
When the temperature climbs into the triple digits outside, death rates can climb as well. Extreme heat waves can be especially dangerous for those with mental disorders.
"Death Carrot" Comes to Cancer
Arab caravans call the weed "death carrot" because it kills camels if they eat it. While it may not be so good for camels, this toxic Mediterranean weed - Thapsia garganica - may prove to be a very useful anticancer therapy.
Magnetic Particles Pinpoint Effectiveness of Heart Therapies
Doctors can't always tell whether treatments for cardiovascular disease will be effective for each patient. A high tech solution may provide the answer.