Childbirth Fears and Long Labors
The discovery that you're carrying a child inside you brings along a range of emotions. For about 5 to 20 percent of women, those emotions include a fear of childbirth.
Future Job Troubles for Arthritic Kids
For some patients, the pain of arthritis gets in the way of their job. If that's the case, children with arthritis may be faced with limited job opportunities as they get older.
How Elastic is Your Liver?
You probably don't think about the elasticity of your organs. But when it comes to the liver, the lack of elasticity is an important measure of health.
A Timeline for Alzheimer’s Disease?
Recent research found that changes in the brain and body may begin years before symptoms of Alzheimer’s di sease (AD) begin.
Heart Drug Doesn't Cut Bypass Complications
An experimental medication designed to protect the heart from injury during coronary artery bypass surgery does not appear to reduce serious complications including stroke or dying.
Try Cow Face…For Your Mental Health
Rabbit, Crane, Frog, Cobra, Eagle, One-Legged King Pigeon, Crow, Tortoise, Peacock, Locust, Camel, Scorpion… Okay, so it sounds like the zoo. But it's good for your mind and muscles.
Getting a Goldilocks Dose of Iron
Pregnant women need sufficient amounts of iron, which is included in most prenatal vitamins. But like many supplements, taking too much iron can have negative side effects.
The Cancer Chicken Dance
Do you know the chicken dance? Make a beak with your hands and quake them four times, fold your arms into wings and flap them as you jut your head out while pecking and wiggle downward shaking your tail feathers.
Shingles Vaccine Safe for More Patients
People taking immunity-suppressing drugs are currently advised against the live-virus shingles vaccine because there is concern that it could lead to shingles, for this population.