Thyroid Cancer Outfoxed
A molecule called FOXO3a was thought to be a keen cancer fighter. Instead, when it comes to thyroid cancer, it's actually a fox in the hen house.
Foster Care for Meth Exposed Kids
Kids that live in homes where their parents use methamphetamines are often abused and neglected. Foster care interventions can help place the child in a better environment.
RA: Barrier to Employment
So many diseases can get in the way of work. Some diseases make it nearly impossible to keep a job. Even though it gets less attention than other disabling diseases, rheumatoid arthritis can be a large barrier to employment.
Eye Damage in Diabetes and Hypertension
Both high blood pressure and eye problems are common complications of diabetes. Now, new research reveals how high blood pressure affects vision in diabetes patients.
Turning Cancer into a Manageable Disease
Some cancers can be eliminated, while some can be put into remission. Others can become like chronic diseases that are managed with medication. One researcher sees the latter group growing in the near future.
Drug-Related ER Visits
Emergency rooms (ER) report all drug-related information to a special government public health watchdog. Reports of drug overdoses and adverse reactions are through the roof, compared to a few years ago.
Schizophrenic Movie Characters
Do movies misinform the general public about schizophrenia? Are depictions of stark raving mad characters tainting the compassion and understanding of the populous?
Diabetes Drugs Go Head-to-Head
When it comes to choosing diabetes treatments, patients and doctors have many options. To see which drugs will work best for which patients, researchers often put medications head-to-head.
Flossing Your Cancer Risks Away
You've been told to floss at least once a day to keep your gums healthy. Keeping gum disease and inflammation out of your mouth could do more than improve your smile.
Gene May Protect Against Alzheimer’s
Some people may have genes that help to keep their minds strong as they age.