Health News
The Highest of the High Risk
Diabetes can be scary. It can cause all sorts of health problems, as many patients face a high risk of early death from heart attack or stroke. Now, research shows that a common test could spot those patients with the highest risk of early death.
Cut the Fat, Keep the Weight
Millions of people in the United States are at risk of getting diabetes. Doctors usually tell their patients to lose weight so that they don't get the disease. However, new research shows that you don't have to lose weight to reduce your risk of diabetes.
Turn Off Obesity and Diabetes
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just turn off a gene in our body so that we don’t have to watch what we eat or exercise? Life would be so simple if only that were possible.
Get Moving, Get Blood Sugar Control
One of the easiest ways to keep diabetes under control is to exercise. Experts already recommend that people with diabetes should exercise for at least two and a half hours per week.
Sleep Please if You Have Diabetes
Getting a good night's rest is a major part of staying healthy. Sleeping well is especially important if you have health problems. Now, researchers found that diabetes patients who don't get good sleep have a harder time controlling their disease.
Shrunken Tummies are Good for Diabetes
It's always a good thing when obese people lose some weight, especially if they have diabetes. Shedding pounds can help patients get their disease under control. However, the way they choose to lose weight can affect how much their diabetes improves.
Diabetes and Your Heart: You Have Control
Diabetes can cause many other health problems. Many of these problems cannot be avoided. In some cases, however, diabetes patients can take steps to protect themselves against certain complications.
Diabetes Changes Its Identity
Right now, type 2 diabetes is considered a metabolic disease, or a disease that affects the process of how your body uses fuel. However, researchers have made a discovery that may change how we treat diabetes.
Overweight and Under the Knife
Past studies have shown that obese people have a lower risk of complications after surgery. However, new research shows that obese people with related health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes are more likely to have problems after surgery.
Diabetes Collides with Body Mass Index
Current body mass index ( BMI) recommendations may not be right for avoiding diabetes and obesity related disorders.