Health News
Arriving On Time Better Than Too Early
Medicine has advanced considerably in the care of babies born extremely early. However, these babies are still at high risk for long-term problems, and every extra week counts.
Going Against the Flow
Not very many women look forward to their period each month, especially if certain days are heavier than others. This feeling may be common in women around the world.
Reading the Future in Placenta Cells?
Autism runs in families, past research has shown. But even when a family risk is known, children are not usually diagnosed with autism until they are toddlers.
A Pregnancy Dilemma for a Medication?
Some medications are linked to disorders such as autism or to birth defects when taken during pregnancy. However, that risk must also be balanced against the medication's benefits.
Sleeping with a Baby on the Way
Difficulty sleeping is a common problem during pregnancy. Women often report being unable to sleep comfortably. However, how pregnant women sleep might affect their babies.
Anorexia Loses When Period Returns
Dangerous weight loss as a result of an eating disorder can get in the way of a normal menstrual cycle. But when treatment works, girls gain weight and get their cycle back.
When Pregnant Women Live in Risky Places
Most people have the good fortune not to live in a town under regular rocket attacks. However, lessons can be learned from the experiences of pregnant women in such places.
Outer Stress and the Inner Womb
Is it possible that the environment inside a woman's body may sometimes reflect what is going on in her life? How much could severe stress contribute to a stillbirth?
The Consequences of Teen Abuse
The US has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates among developed nations. Understanding the risk factors for teen pregnancy might lead to effective prevention.
A Weak Link of Broken Hearts--EMBARGOED until 11:01pm CST on 3/23/13
The effects of a mother's body on her developing child are still mysterious in many ways. For example, the possible effects of emotional stress on a baby aren't totally understood.