Health News
Testing for Down Syndrome Early
One decision pregnant women must make is how much to test for possible disorders in their baby. More tests with fewer risks are becoming available for conditions like Down syndrome.
Postpartum Depression in Women With PMS
Many women experience symptoms of depression after giving birth. Women that experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may have a higher risk for developing depression after delivery.
Depression Likelier in Abused New Moms
Bringing home a new baby is stressful on its own. But throw in the anxiety of an abusive relationship and depression may follow.
Mom’s Cocaine on Kids’ Brains
The substances a mother puts in her body during pregnancy nearly always reach her developing baby. The long-term effects of illegal drugs can often present problems for these children.
Next Gen Troubles from Smoking Moms
Smoking is a known health hazard for pregnancies. But being exposed to smoke in utero may follow a baby girl into her own pregnancy when she grows up.
Too Many Pregnant Teens Using
Substance abuse is a serious issue for any teen girl, but if that girl is pregnant, the problem is exponentially greater. Extra support might be necessary to help pregnant teens get sober.
Surprise! You're Expecting a Baby
Sometimes a woman finds herself pregnant when she wasn't planning on it. Women with unintended pregnancies may benefit from support and being aware of postpartum depression risks.
Flu During Pregnancy Linked to Bipolar?
Being sick while pregnant certainly isn't fun. Having the flu while pregnant is even worse. But being down with the flu during pregnancy might be linked to longer term concerns, too.
Flame Retardant Chemicals Raise Concerns
Throughout our entire lives, we interact with chemicals. The vast majority of these chemicals do us good or cause no harm. A small number, however, are linked to mental health issues.
Cries from Baby, Tears from Mama
You are a new mom, and your baby cries… and cries… and cries. Nothing you do seems to help. At the very least though, you can watch out for yourself.