Health News
Of Pregnancy Blues and Drinking Clues
The recommendations not to drink alcohol while pregnant are clear from obstetric medical organizations in the US. Yet pregnant women feeling depressed may be at risk for ignoring this advice.
Assisted Reproduction Not Linked to Autism
The cause of autism is unknown. It's possible that it might be associated with environmental factors. One such factor that recently interested researchers was the way a baby is conceived.
Language Challenges for Children of Teens
Having a baby as a teenager can present various challenges to these new, young moms. Those challenges may influence the way their children develop as well.
Risks of Depression with Pregnancy
More awareness exists today about postpartum depression than in the past. But now women are becoming aware of another concern — prenatal depression.
Growing a Baby in Dirty Air
The environment around a pregnant woman can influence a growing baby. High levels of pollution may be one thing that affects a developing baby.
How Can Preterm Birth Affect a Child?
Babies born very early during pregnancy can be at risk of having developmental issues. But how exactly are preterm offspring's lives affected?
Pregnancy, Asthma & Smoking: A Dangerous Threesome
Most pregnant women know that it's not wise to smoke while pregnant because of the possible effects on their unborn baby. Not smoking is even more important for asthmatic pregnant women.
Foster Children and Orphans Facing Fetal Disorders
Children not living with biological or adopted parents often already face greater challenges than other children. But events before their birth may add to those challenges.
Taking Antidepressants When the Baby's Due
Women who have anxiety or depression have important decisions to make about their medications when they are pregnant. Though these medications may carry some risks, not taking them has risks too.
Quitting Smoking for Your Baby — Before Birth
Quitting smoking at any time is tough. The extra effort to quit smoking while pregnant, however, can significantly benefit your baby.