Health News

Marriage Improves Lung Cancer
Scientists may have trouble proving it in a lab, but marital support helps cancer patients live longer. How can this be translated to help unmarried patients?
Smoker Vs. Never-Smoker Lung Cancer
Lung cancer patients who never smoked may be treated differently in the future than those who have smoked. That’s because smoking changes a person’s genes – a lot.
Cutting Back Now Lowers Risk Later
Heavy drinking, smoking, obesity and poor diet are not the building blocks for a healthy human. But change now and in a few years the body can repair itself.
Fewer Zzz's May Mean Worse Breast Cancer
It's hard to get a full eight hours of sleep each night. But it's important. For women with breast cancer, it's extremely important.
The Cost of Repression
The mind-body connection has interested people for centuries with more and more research showing that the two are completely connected.
Even Babies Can Have PTSD
Being treated for cancer is very stressful at any age. Even babies and toddlers can develop stress disorders from cancer treatments.
From Cocktails to Cancer and Back
The human body is a wonderland of complex chemical reactions that both cause and ward off disease. Alcohol can throw the body out of sorts if the system doesn’t work just right.
Oral Cancer From Dip
Dipping or using chew may not cause lung cancer, but oral cancer is still a big risk. Smokeless tobacco products have nitrosamines , which can cause cancer at high levels.
Can Mindfulness Help Loneliness?
Loneliness among older individuals can be a significant risk factor for health problems like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and even death.
Depression Can Shorten Lives
Being diagnosed with any advanced cancer is not happy news. So becoming depressed might be a natural response, but it's not a life-prolonging one.