Health News

Imaging Tests May Predict Stroke and Heart Attack
If your arteries have dangerous plaque build-up, determining your risks for stroke and heart attack can help guide self-care and medical care. Certain imaging tests may aid in predicting those risks.
Partner's Death Could Increase Heart Attack Risk
The death of a loved one can bring emotional strife and, quite literally, heartbreak. According to a new study, the loss of a loved one might be linked to heart troubles.
Serious Dangers of Intense Activity at Work
In general, exercise boosts heart health. A job that demands rigorous physical activity, however, might trigger a heart attack or stroke, especially for those with high risk factors.
Show a Little Love for Your Heart This Month
The heart keeps us going day in, day out, though we don't often stop and consider how to keep it going. Officials are encouraging people to devote time to heart health awareness this month.
Preventing Disease with Exercise
Your health care provider may emphasize the importance of exercise, but exactly how important is physical activity for staying healthy?
The Potential Myth of Vitamin D Supplements
Vitamin D supplements have been recommended to help prevent many serious conditions. But they actually might not be helping.
Home Blood Pressure Readings “Unmask” Heart Risks
High blood pressure can be a “masked” villain. Readings at a clinic may show normal blood pressure levels, while home readings may give a more accurate view of cardiovascular health.
What Shingles Could Mean for Your Heart
Cases of shingles have been rising in recent years, even among younger individuals. And the disease may be increasing other health risks as well.
Heart Disease and Stroke Remain Leading Health Threats
Heart disease and stroke remain two of the most dangerous health problems in America, according to a recent review of statistics and research.
Heart Healthy Smoking Cessation Therapies
Kicking the smoking habit can improve overall health and quality of life. A recent review investigates where smoking cessation therapies affect heart health.