Health News
How a Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Your Health
For frail, inactive adults, sedentary behaviors like sitting may raise their risk of dying, according to a new study.
Healthy Diet: Small Changes, Big Results
Making small diet improvements over time may lower your risk of dying, according to a new study.
The Benefits of Your Morning Coffee
Here's another reason to look forward to your morning cup of coffee: It might make you live longer.
Vitamin D: Too Much of a Good Thing
The number of people taking vitamin D supplements above the recommended levels has increased, according to a new study. But taking too much vitamin D could be unhealthy.
Debunking the 'Obesity Paradox'
A new study's findings go against the so-called "obesity paradox." It found that patients who become overweight or obese had a higher risk of dying.
Several Supplements May Contain Hidden Ingredients
Consumers, beware! Imported products marketed as dietary supplements for weight loss or erectile dysfunction may do you more harm than good.
Weight and Gut Bacteria May Be Linked
Your size and your gut bacteria may be linked, a new study of children and teenagers found.
The Glycemic Index Problem
The glycemic index varies so much that it may be an unreliable indicator of blood sugar response, according to a new study.
Not All Protein Created Equal
Eating more plant protein and less animal protein may lower your risk of dying, a new study found.
Infants, Meet Peanuts
Introducing peanuts into your infant's diet may be a good idea after all, according to a new study.