Health News

Toss the Vitamin D and Calcium?
Preventing the risk of fractures as you grow older is important. Previously, vitamin D and calcium supplements were thought to help reduce that risk – but recommendations have changed.
Work Your Bones Now for Strength Later
Sit ups for breakfast? Lazy bones as a child could make the body pay as a grown up. Adults may have greater knee cartilage and bone strength in their lower legs if they are more physically active as children.
Move Aside Milk, Alcohol May Help Bone Loss
While the apple can keep the doctor away, alcohol may help keep bones from going away. Researchers say if middle-aged women drink a glass or two of alcohol each day, their bones may be stronger.
Brittle Bones or Increased Heart Risk?
Calcium supplements, often taken to maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis, appear to be linked to an increased risk of heart attack, a large study revealed.
Too Much of a Good Thing
Though many people are deficient in vitamin D, it's possible to go too far to make up the difference. The "sunshine vitamin" may only protect the heart if you have the right amount.
Plum Out of Bone Density
The old saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is certainly sage advice. But apples are having to take a back seat to dried plums in the osteoporosis department.
Yet Another Reason to Lose Weight
Being overweight or obese carries a number of health risks. Now there's one more health benefit for losing weight.
Try Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements First
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with osteoporosis? Try a different approach before accepting medication as your only choice.
Working out to Supplement Your Supplement
While widely touted as osteoporosis preventive must-haves, extra calcium and vitamin D in men do not appear to prevent bone thinning.