Health News

Fish and Exercise May Help Colon Cancer Patients
Plenty of research has tied lifestyle factors to risk for developing cancer. Could these factors also play into how cancer progresses once it has already developed? A new study suggests so.
Lifestyle Now May Affect Colon Cancer Survival Later
Healthy diet and lifestyle choices reduce the risk for many diseases. What effect these pre-diagnosis choices have on survival after colon and rectal cancer has become clearer.
High Fiber Intake May Lower Colon Tumor Risk
Adding fiber to your diet is generally a healthy choice. It seems that fiber also may decrease the risk of getting a particular kind of colon tumor.
Men, Don’t Take Colorectal Cancer Sitting Down!
Along with a healthy diet, there’s almost nothing better than being physically active for achieving optimum health. This reality is well known. But what about sedentary behavior – you know, sitting around or being a “couch potato" for many hours of the day? Does that matter?
The Meat of Cancer Survival
It's well-known that a person's diet can affect the risk of developing cancer. But what about diet after a cancer diagnosis — does that matter?
The Obesity-Inactivity-Cancer Chain
The link between obesity and cancer is nothing new. Lack of regular exercise and cancer are also teammates. A new study has added some links to this chain of knowledge.
Slacking Off Snacking May Keep Cancer Away
No denying it – we love our snacks – even though overloading on them is overloading us. And while no one would be hurt by less snacking, some folks can do themselves a huge favor by taming their snack attacks.
A Scary New Sugar High
It’s not just how much you eat, it also may be what you eat that matters when it comes to living beyond cancer. A new study shows this very likely is true for colon cancer patients.
Something Fishy About Colorectal Cancer
Eating more fish and less red meat is generally considered to be a healthy dietary change. And you've no doubt heard about taking your fish oil. Now there's another feather in the health hats of fish.
Run Forrest Run!
You remember the scene in "Forrest Gump" where his friend Jenny urges him to "Run Forrest run!" to get away from a pesky group of kids. He takes off, the braces that have been shackling him fly off. And he's free.