Health News

Manage Your Stress to Help Your Heart
Exercise in your teens is a good thing, but even with exercise, poor ability to cope with stress may affect your heart later in life.
How the Mediterranean Diet Might Help Your Heart
Wine, cheese, seafood and pasta — could this really be a heart-healthy diet? Actually, it could be. Called the Mediterranean diet, it includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, fish, olive oil and red wine in moderation.
Stopping Diabetes in Its Tracks — Before It Starts
Many Americans are on the path to developing diabetes, but it’s not too late to make a U-turn.
The Benefits of Working Hard in the Gym
Exercise is almost never a bad thing, but new evidence suggests that not all exercise is created equal.
How That Cup of Joe Might Perk up Your Heart
In the past, some have raised concerns that coffee could be bad for the heart. Growing evidence, however, suggests that drinking coffee regularly may boost heart health.
Nuts for Peanuts? You're in Luck
Bring on the peanut butter sandwiches. Peanuts may be good for your heart.
Cholesterol, Sugar Guidelines May Change
No cholesterol, yes cholesterol. No coffee, yes coffee. What to eat can get pretty confusing for the average eater. New recommendations may clear up some of that confusion.
Exercise: How Even a Little May Help Older Hearts
Older adults with reduced mobility may not move around a lot, but a little activity may go a long way in maintaining their heart health.
Easy Does It: When Too Much Exercise May Not Be Better
More of a good thing isn't always better. And that may apply to exercise and its effects on heart health.
How a Healthy Heart May Keep You Mobile
A heart-friendly lifestyle is one of your best bets for preventing strokes and heart attacks, and it may help many stay mobile and independent for longer as they age.