Health News
Hurting Kidneys in Major Surgeries
Surgery can be a lifesaving measure for patients suffering from a number of diseases. Sometimes, though, surgery can lead to serious complications, including kidney damage.
Obesity Blocks Kidney Donation
Obesity can lead to all sorts of health problems, from heart disease to diabetes. Now, it seems obesity can get in the away of kidney donation.
Cholesterol Drug May Harm Kidneys
On top of diet and exercise, medications can help you control your cholesterol. Be careful, though. Some of these medications may pose a threat to your health.
Sex for Women Isn't so hot on Dialysis
While dialysis has already been linked to sexual dysfunction in men, researchers didn't know much about the sex lives of women on dialysis - until now.
Age Doesn't Matter in Kidney Swaps
Unlike other organ transplantations, kidney transplants can come from living donors. At first, you might kidney recipients would do better with a younger kidney. But, it seems a kidney donor's age makes little difference.
Stem Cells Help Your New Kidney
Kidney transplants save lives, but only if recipients' bodies accept the new organ. Now, scientists are working on ways to prevent kidney transplant rejection.
An end to Drugs After Organ Transplant?
A kidney transplant can save a person's life. But people with a transplanted kidney often have to take anti-rejection drugs for much of their lives. A new discovery may make these drugs unnecessary for some.
Are You Strong Enough for a New Kidney?
A kidney transplant can save the life of a person with kidney failure. But treatment for kidney failure does not end after the patient gets a new organ. Doctors must continue working to make sure the new kidney works.
HIV Drug Does Kidney Damage
Today, people with HIV/AIDS can expect to live longer, healthier lives with the help of medications. Some of these medications, however, may come with dangerous side effects.
Classes for Your Kidney Transplant
Certain populations, such as African Americans, are less likely than whites to get a kidney transplant when they need it. This may be happening because patients do not know about the entire transplant process.