Health News
Dangerous Weight Loss Linked to Common Dementia Rx
It's probably not your imagination that Grandma is becoming increasingly fragile over time. And her dementia medication may be partly to blame.
For Dementia, Medical Marijuana Pill Made No Difference
More than 40 years after the "war on drugs" was declared, some in the medical community are rethinking marijuana. And while some evidence has suggested that it could have health benefits, marijuana isn't likely helpful in treating symptoms of one neurological disease.
Nuts and Olive Oil Might Be Brain Boosters
The Mediterranean diet — with its vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meat and fish — may be heart-healthy. Add nuts and olive oil to the mix, and the brain may also get a lift.
What Arts, Crafts and Computer Use Might Do for Your Mind
Book clubs, painting classes and computer games are just a few fun ways to spend retirement. And such mind-engaging activities may also do wonders for older people's mental health.
These Medications Posed Risks for Dementia Patients
Treating and caring for patients with dementia is often difficult, and medications are seen as a way to help manage behavior. What happens when those medications may also pose health risks?
How Your Gender Could Affect Your Brain Health
In the search for what causes and signals Alzheimer's disease, scientists have often looked to genes. New evidence, however, points to gender.
Anticholinergics May Carry Surprising Risk for Older Adults
Medications for allergies, depression and incontinence can be lifesavers. However, they may have some surprising effects on mental health.
These Unexpected Symptoms May Signal Alzheimer's
Conventional wisdom holds that Alzheimer's starts with small memory slips — but new evidence suggests that other mental health symptoms may signal this disease.
Better Sleep for a Stronger Mind
A good night’s rest may not only make you less groggy — it could also prevent a more serious brain drain. Those who get enough deep sleep may be less likely to develop dementia.
Without Proper Control, Diabetes May Lead to Mental Decline
In middle age, taking care of yourself now could mean avoiding a health crisis later — and that may go double for diabetes patients. Middle-aged diabetes patients may have a raised risk for mental decline later in life.