Health News
Growing Up – and Growing Obese – with TV
More than 70 percent of children and teenagers have TVs in their bedrooms. But just having a TV in their rooms puts them at higher risk for becoming fat.
Two Sides to Every Coin
One study found evidence to support the use of diuretics in treating high blood pressure in obese patients. But this doesn’t mean that methodology works across the board.
The Walk to Good Health
Take one step forward, two steps back. Take 6,000 steps forward and forget going back, especially when it comes to women's health.
Magical Number for Kids' Activity is 7
Kids run, climb, crawl and jump. But is that activity enough to stop them from becoming overweight or obese? Well, yes – if the activity is intense enough and lasts long enough.
Weight Loss Didn't Cut Diabetic Heart Risk
Losing weight has been shown to reduce the risk of heart problems and other complications of diabetes. However, one weight loss program did not seem to protect diabetes patients from heart-related risks.
Lower Death Risk in Heavier RA Patients?
Both rheumatoid arthritis and obesity can contribute to heart problems. But when the two conditions are combined, the picture may get a little foggier.
Metabolic Risks Linked to Knee Arthritis
Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of factors that boost the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Now, it seems metabolic syndrome may also be linked to the "wear-and-tear" of arthritis.
A Ride to Work is Best
Commuting to work by your own two legs does a whole lot more than save gas money and prevent air pollution.
Heavier Babies May Face Future Diabetes
From the moment you are born, your weight has an impact on your health. If your baby is overweight, he or she may be in store for health problems in the future.
Obesity May Speed-Up Cognitive Decline
Keeping a healthy weight has many benefits. Recent research suggests that it may also help keep memory sharp as you age. A recent study looked at people’s weight and other health problems, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.