Health News
States are Getting Wider
The obesity epidemic is a hot topic and continues to get hotter. Obesity rates have not been declining and it's literally a huge problem.
Surprising Mechanism Aids Cell Self Destruction
Excess amounts of fat and sugar force cells to self destruct when they can no longer stand the toxic environment. Scientists believe they now know why these overloaded cells commit suicide.
Easy Pill to Swallow for Diabetes Patients
Usually we think to take aspirin when we have a headache or are in pain. The drug that's in so many of our medicine cabinets may do so much more for people with diabetes.
ESC Announces Lipid Control Measures
Managing lipids, naturally forming fats and cholesterol, can help cut the risk of cardiovascular disease. Now the European Society or Cardiology has released new guidelines to help patients and doctors work together to manage these lipids.
Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
Exercise More to Combat Sleep Disorders and Diabetes
Men with obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes or high blood pressure can greatly improve their survival rate by increasing their amount of exercise. Conversely, poor fitness habits increased the death rate by as much as 75 percent.
Eat Away Belly Fat
Fat can be tricky because some fat is good for you, but too much is detrimental. Fat found deep in the belly is one of those kinds of fats that’s not good for you.
Lower Body Fat May Not Cut Disease Risk
Exercise and a healthy diet are usually enough to promote health and prevent disease. However, it might not be enough to protect from heart disease and type 2 diabetes, a new study has revealed.
Natural Anti-Aging Agent - Strawberries
Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake are at it again - saving the world one person at a time by telling people strawberries are a delicious, healthy fruit that can fight diseases.
The Drug Does the Job and Adds a Risk
All drugs have some sort of side effect. It's important to know what these side effects may be. Now, researchers are highlighting one possible risk for patients who are taking certain cholesterol drugs.