Health News

Breast Cancer Rx Might Prevent Early Menopause
It’s good news for young women who have had breast cancer treatment and still want a baby. A medication called goserelin may help prevent the ovarian failure often caused by chemotherapy.
Smoking: A Habit to Kick for Life
If you need another reason to quit smoking, keep reading. New evidence supports past findings that smokers face a raised risk for many health problems.
Smoking May Be Even Riskier Than Once Thought
Smokers, it’s never too late to quit — and there may now be even more good reasons to do so.
Nonsmokers Are Inhaling, Too
Smoking is a potential health issue for more than just those lighting up. Secondhand smoke can also cause health problems for nonsmokers.
Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.
Live Long and Prosper: Global Wellness Increased
Good news for the people of Earth: people are living much longer than they were 20 years ago, and death rates have dropped for certain cancers, heart disease, stroke and other major diseases around the world.
New Treatment Helped More Patients Ditch Nicotine
If you can fight fire with fire, why not fight addiction to nicotine with another chemical?
Aspirin May Not Be Worth the Risk
Thinking about taking a daily aspirin to improve your health? You may want to think again. Some side effects of aspirin may outweigh the medication's benefits.
Smoking Rate Hit All-Time Low
Efforts to reduce smoking like public bans and media campaigns may be having an effect. The number of Americans who smoke may be smaller than it has ever been.
Blood Pressure Rx May Not Pose Cancer Threat
A blood pressure medication once considered a threat to women's health may not be as bad as researchers thought.