Health News

Protecting Women In Underdeveloped Nations From Cancer
More than a quarter of a million women around the world die of cervical cancer every year. In this country, because of the Pap test, cervical cancer is much rarer.
One Shot, Two Shot, HPV Shots
The only vaccine that can prevent a type of cancer is the HPV vaccine. But it requires three rounds of shots. Wouldn't it be nice to make it just two shots?
Price of Fame at the Expense of Longer Life
Success and fame can come with a hefty price: living a shorter life. Researchers said fame and achievements in performance-related careers could come at the cost of a shorter life expectancy.
Success of the Free HPV Vaccine
It's icing on the cake when a vaccine is offered for little to no cost. Free human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine programs can protect many individuals from genital warts without draining their bank accounts.
HPV: Helping Instead of Hurting
Nobody wants to have the HPV virus. It’s been linked to a number of different cancers, including those of the cervix and head and neck. Strangely, though, it may benefit a group of cancer patients.
Fewer Teens Vaccinated for HPV
Vaccines are important for babies, but teens should stay up to date on their vaccines as well. This is especially true for the tetanus, pertussis, meningitis and HPV vaccines.
HIV Positive? Check for Skin Cancer
If you have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), you may have a higher risk of certain types of skin cancer. With any type of skin cancer, early detection and treatment is the key.
HPV Vaccination Coverage Too Low
It’s hard to believe there are two vaccines out there approved to prevent HPV-related cancers. The trick is getting all three doses within six months to make them effective.
New Vaccine Recommendation for Adults
Adults with certain immune system conditions often require different recommendations for the vaccines they can and should receive. A new vaccine has been added to these recommendations.
HPV, Vaccination & Cancer Rates
Prevention of HPV is now easier than ever, with two vaccines for adolescents and young adults. A simple, cost-effective pap smear test can detect early stages of HPV-related cancer too.