Health News
Mental Illness Linked to Cancer Risk
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can be associated with various health problems. New research suggests that cancer risk is higher for people with these disorders.
Schooling Bipolar Treatment
Patients with bipolar often continue therapy even when symptoms are mild, to try and avoid relapse.
Antipsychotics and Suicidal Behavior
Bipolar disorder is sometimes treated with antipsychotic medications. First and second generation antipsychotics have different side effects, but do they have the same suicide risk?
Autism Linked to Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia
Research is looking for ways to understand which children are at risk for autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ), because knowing the risk factors can help with early detection.
Depression is Risky?
Most children with bipolar disorder will not attempt suicide, but the ones who do have a few things in common. Noticing these common risk factors can help prevent suicide attempts.
Comparing Therapies for Bipolar
There are many therapy options out there for bipolar disorder, but is one more effective than another?
Mental Health Meds During Pregnancy
Taking medications during pregnancy is an important decision for a woman. It requires a risk-benefit analysis regarding the value of the drug for the mother versus the possible effects on the fetus.
Does Pollen Make Bipolar Depression Worse?
Do allergic reactions affect bipolar depression? Could an immune reaction to pollen compromise one's mental health?
Milk Fights off Teenage Mental Health
It’s summertime, and for some teens that means soaking up the sun. But could getting the right amounts of vitamin D affect more than just skin?
Stay Focused With HIV Meds
Getting the most out of a medication requires taking it every day and on time, especially for chronic conditions such as HIV. It's a tall order for anyone and mental health issues can complicate matters.